MN Judicial Reform

Position Summary

We are very proud to have our own Rep. Gruenhagen working so hard to push forward judicial reforms in our state. We need it!  Please read his article below and watch the short video to help stay informed on the important work that needs to be done.

President Trump campaigned on restoring Originalism to our Federal Judiciary and appointed Neil Gorsuch to begin this restoration. Now we are awaiting the US Senate’s approval of his nominations to the Federal Appellate Courts, all of whom are strong Originalists.

But we have a more serious problem in Minnesota. 75% of all Minnesota judges were appointed by Gov. Dayton and they are all Liberals! 

Justice Antonin Scalia famously said that there are two kinds of judges: Originalists who interpret the Constitution as the Framers intended and the others, who just “make stuff up!” Minnesota’s liberal judges are in the second category!

But we in Minnesota have a tool to correct this problem that our national leaders do not have.....We elect our judges in Minnesota!

Minnesota Republicans who support Originalism in our Platform, have the opportunity to replace Dayton’s liberal judges, who are in the habit of "making things up".

Our Republican Party Constitution provides for judicial district Republican Committees and a process for endorsing and supporting district court, Appeals Court and Supreme Court candidates. Please get active in these committees, so we can elect Originalist judges!

We also need your help with two Legislative issues that will be coming up this year. Both of these ideas are supported by our Minnesota Republican Platform.

One Bill calls for a repeal of the “Incumbent” Label after the name of incumbent judges on our Minnesota ballots. No other state does this. It is undemocratic and unfair because it gives the incumbent about 25% advantage over his challenger.

The other Bill addresses a lack of accountability for judges. Judges can do just about anything they want to do and there is very little that can be done to stop them.

These two concerns are addressed by State Rep. Glenn Gruenhagen in the YouTube Video below. Please watch this 10 minute video to learn more.


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