MN COVID-19 Policy


Position Summary

One of the most urgent issues facing Minnesota is to get our economy reopened. The Governor’s executive order has been extremely arbitrary and subjective and has crippled Minnesota’s economy. Minnesota has higher unemployment, higher death rate and greater economic damage than neighboring states. We need to secure and protect the most vulnerable, such as seniors living in long term care.

The Governor should never have allowed infectious COVID patients to be placed in nursing homes, especially when our hospitals, who had prepared for COVID patients were substantially empty and laying off medical staff. The overwhelming amount of deaths from COVID19 has been in nursing homes and assisted living. With that in mind, it is time to trust our local schools to reopen and allow our children to learn again. We can protect those who are vulnerable without damaging our children’s academic and emotional well-being. According to the latest medical data, if you are 50 or younger, your chance of recovery from COVID is 99.5%.

According to MMB, Minnesota is facing a $4.7 billion deficit this biennium and growing. Democrat solutions always include huge tax increases and more regulations on Minnesota’s private sector with very little reform of government. Republicans will attempt to reform government and live within our means especially since Minnesota’s private sector will be recovering from the COVID-19. Remember, Governor Walz and the DFL wanted to raise taxes by $13 billion even when we had a $1.3 billion surplus.


2nd Amendment

